Thursday, May 22, 2008

Went running today...

My feeble attempt at my first blog... at least on this site.

Just got back from running not too long ago. I love running it's probably the best stress reliever out there that is free. I just turn on my ipod and go with no real destination in mind and after about 3 miles my mind is clear and I'm not thinking about anything but the music and making sure I am breathing haha.

So I ran today because I need to build up my endurance and because I was thinking about life. Mainly in the since that I don't take enough risk and what not in my life. I live a safe life and stay in my comfortable little box all the time. If I see a pretty girl I will look at her but never approach, I have always wanted to go to like California but I am to scared to get on a plane, I want to go to a casting call just to see if I get a call back but I always make excuses not to go... You get the idea.

I'm pretty sure everyone feels this way at some time or another. What I want to know or to figure out is how do I break out of that. How do I become a person who lives life to the full? I want to be a risk taker. I think I will make a bucket list with some reachable goals and some non reachable... We shall see.

I also will be adding random videos and such as I see fit.

This is Kate Voegele. She has an amazing voice and nails this cover song "Hallelujah"

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The 1st

This is just the first test blog for me. More to be added later.
