Thursday, May 22, 2008

Went running today...

My feeble attempt at my first blog... at least on this site.

Just got back from running not too long ago. I love running it's probably the best stress reliever out there that is free. I just turn on my ipod and go with no real destination in mind and after about 3 miles my mind is clear and I'm not thinking about anything but the music and making sure I am breathing haha.

So I ran today because I need to build up my endurance and because I was thinking about life. Mainly in the since that I don't take enough risk and what not in my life. I live a safe life and stay in my comfortable little box all the time. If I see a pretty girl I will look at her but never approach, I have always wanted to go to like California but I am to scared to get on a plane, I want to go to a casting call just to see if I get a call back but I always make excuses not to go... You get the idea.

I'm pretty sure everyone feels this way at some time or another. What I want to know or to figure out is how do I break out of that. How do I become a person who lives life to the full? I want to be a risk taker. I think I will make a bucket list with some reachable goals and some non reachable... We shall see.

I also will be adding random videos and such as I see fit.

This is Kate Voegele. She has an amazing voice and nails this cover song "Hallelujah"

1 comment:

Mrs. Billings said...

Oh and good idea about building up endurance pre-Colorado. It took me a whole week before running around on that mountain didn't leave me feel like I'd been beaten up! And then it was time to go. Sad day.