Sunday, May 10, 2009

God's plan for my weekend

So it's 2 A.M. and I need to be sleeping but I felt like blogging a little. I haven't done this in a while but here goes...

I am sitting here down on the "Farm" in Twin City and I have had a great time this weekend as I always do when I come here. It started out when I drove down on Saturday afternoon to film a wedding for Melissa's family. This wedding was off the chain! It was in a small church down here that was packed, standing room only. After the wedding the Bride and Groom were chauffeured off in Papa Cowart's (Melissa's Dad) Chevy Bel Air. Then it was off to a beautiful reception at Beaver Creek Plantation. After much dancing and other reception activities the happy couple finally left at 11 P.M. and we got to head to the farm for some much needed rest.

Now if you don't know me I like to sleep in when I can, but not on the farm. I usually get up early, make myself a cup of coffee and enjoy the sunrise with the cows before coming in to sit with "Mama and Papa Cowart" for a while. But not this time, I was lazy and stayed in the bed until almost lunch time, despite having a busy day off piddling around to get started on. After my disappointment in missing morning sunrise, coffee and some bacon we went to lunch. Then it was off to visit one of the coolest women ever, Melissa's Grandmother. We stayed for about an hour and chatted and learned all sorts of things like "Shackin up is quite popular these days" Melissa's aunt goes "MaMa.." Grandma goes "shut up... Now listen, ya see nobody wants to shack up with me at my age because I might die on em'..." Oh we were rolling hahaha. Did I mention she is 95 and sassy as ever! After that is was back to Beaver Creek Plantation to pick up the Bel Air and get a tour of the place. Papa Cowart introduced me to one of the owners as his "other youngin". That was great because I do look at them as my "other family". Of course we played a little in the car on the way home, fish tailing on the dirt drive and laying a little rubber on the asphalt. I loved every minute of it! Back at the house we tracked down the newborn kittens, saw a calf just after it was born and then I spent a little bit with the horses while everyone rested. Mama Cowart came out after a while and we all headed across the road to go fishing. We fished for about an hour and I caught 6 "eatin" sized bass and around dark we headed back to the house cleaned and cooked our dinner. It was dern good if I do say so myself.

During and after dinner I sat around listening to Papa Cowart and Uncle Larry tell crazy stories about horses, "real cowboys", their youth and what not. Amidst all of the activities of the day I started thinking about how I got to this place at this moment. I thought about how if Jimmy my biological father had stayed around, if I would have gotten into Dirt bike racing as planned, if I had married Jessica, stayed in college or if i had not gone to watch my cousins' belt test randomly one day and joined the tae kwon do studio, if I had not taken Will Robinson up on the offer to check out Young Life after randomly running into him at Joshua Cup, I would not be sitting here right now or I might not be preparing to move to Crooked Creek Ranch in Colorado with Young Life. How crazy is it that a seemingly small decision in life can change it's course so drastically. Think about that, it's exciting and scary all at the same time. Then I got to thinking about a verse in the bible that says For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD... Jeremiah 29:11. I find comfort that our God has this thing all planned out. It is amazing that He has things mapped out and planned for us. Thank You for guiding those choices in our lives that set us on paths to our destiny.


Mrs. Billings said...

Let's all run away to the farms... NY for spring and summer, Twin City for fall and winter. Deal?

Chessie (Chesshirecat) said...

I've enjoyed this...your a thoughtful writer...